Ryuichi Sakamoto: Kehlkopfkrebs, Rückzug aus dem Musikgeschäft

"Bitte entschuldigt die Unannehmlichkeiten" – der japanische Komponist Ryuichi Sakamoto hat alle Aktivitäten wegen der Behandlung seines Kehlkopfkrebses abgesagt.

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Ryuichi Sakamoto, gefeierter japanischer Komponist und ehemals Mitglied des Yellow Magic Orchestra, hat bekannt gegeben an Kehlkopfkrebs zu leiden. Um eine gute Behandlung zu gewährleisten, hat er sämtliche musikalischen Aktivitäten beendet. In einem offenen Brief an Kollegen und Musiker kündigte der 62-Jährige an, nach Ende der Therapie wieder gesund auf die Bühne zurück zu kehren: „I promise to return after a full recovery.“

Das Statement unten liest sich fast so, als würde er sich für seine Krankheit entschuldigen.

Der Brief im Wortlaut, veröffentlicht auf Sakamotos Website:

Dear All,

In the end of June, I was diagnosed with throat cancer. After much though and consideration, I have decided to take time off of work in order to concentrate on treating it. I deeply regret causing so many people considerable inconvenience. However, the first wealth is health, and hence this biter decision.

I will not able to attend the fast approaching First Sapporo International Art Festival 2014, a project that I have spent the past two painstaking years in preparation for. I would like to express my sincerest apologies to Fumio Ueda, the Mayor of Sapporo, the citizens of the city, the managerial staff, contributing artists, and everyone who has helped realized this project. Although I will be absent, all of the programs will be of highest quality — this I promise. I would like nothing more than for everyone to enjoy the festival in my place.

Furthermore, I had planned a performance on July 30th commemorating Park Hyatt Tokyo’s 20th anniversary. I was looking forward to attending the anniversary along with all of the guests, and to present new material written for this occasion. Therefore, it deeply upsets me to have to cancel this concert during a time of celebration. I would like express my deepest apologies to those involved in putting this together, and to those who planned to attend the concert.

Lastly, I would like to apologize for all of the burden I will undoubtedly be casting upon everyone who has

been working with me on various other projects.

Please bare with me while I regain my health. I promise to return after a full recovery. Thank you very much.

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