David Bowies Abschiedsmail an Eno: „Danke für die gute Zeit, Brian“

‘Thank you for our good times, brian. they will never rot’ – in einem Statement berichtet Brian Eno von der letzten Konversation, die er mit David Bowie kurz vor dessen Tod am Sonntag (10. Januar) geführt hatte. Die beiden Musiker kommunizierten per Mail, eine Woche vor Bowies Ableben.

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Der Tod des 69-Jährigen sei auch für Brian Eno, der als Produzent mehrere Alben des Musikers betreut hatte, völlig überraschend gekommen. Seine Mail habe Bowie mit den Worten „Thank you for our good times, brian. they will never rot“ beendet, und als allerletztes Wort: „Dawn“ – „Morgendämmerung“.

Eno im Wortlaut:

Over the last few years — with him living in New York and me in London — our connection was by email. We signed off with invented names: some of his were mr showbiz, milton keynes, rhoda borrocks and the duke of ear… I received an email from him seven days ago. It was as funny as always, and as surreal, looping through word games and allusions and all the usual stuff we did. It ended with this sentence: ‘Thank you for our good times, brian. they will never rot’. And it was signed ‘Dawn’. I realise now he was saying goodbye.

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