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On the Road: Fink zeigt exklusive Fotos seiner Tour durch Europa
Singer-Songwriter Fink dokumentiert seine Reise von Paris nach Berlin. Ein ganz persönliches Tour-Tagebuch - Die Fotos und Kommentare kommen natürlich von Fink selbst.
"A beautiful morning in the 11th in Paris"
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„Mont Martre – seriously beautiful from every angle – you see it all the time, surprising you with it’s beauty and Eastern curves“
Copyright: FInk
„La Defence – a great idea – keep the city beautiful – and put all the goons out of town – kinda like LA in a way – check out that huge aquare arch“
Copyright: Fink
„The roads kinda wind under it and around it – it’s like a video game – until you get lost… and then it’s like a shit video game“
Copyright: Fink
„I like this photo because of the woody steering wheel… if I ever get trapped in my car at least I can eat all the walnut…“
Copyright: Fink
„The French Border – ahhhh – there was a time when every red blooded musician would fear the border… now… you’re chilling…“
Copyright: Fink
„3 seriously bugged out dudes and their brides… the split screen is so lowered it wouldn’t make it over a speed bump… i dreamed of this car as a kid – they stop me in my tracks…“
Copyright: Fink
„Brussells… from Paris you kinda drive north east to Brussells and basically take a right to Berlin“
Copyright: Fink
„En route I passed a convoy of like 20 Chevy pick ups… it takes a real man to rock a peppermint pick up with new vogues… retro pimp at it’s finest… I notice he was driving it alone…“
Copyright: Fink
„Welcome to Germany – I wanted to ask this guy if he enjoyed the American TV Show „Sons Of Anarchy“… but his steely glare of certain death was enough for me to guess… he probably secretly watches it…“
Copyright: Fink
„The Sat Nav never lies… 257 miles stay right – that’s it – now floor it, tonne her up, hit the cruise and watch out for the Audi’s coming up the outside lane at 150“
Copyright: Fink
„Sorry…..but after like 5 service stations it was inevitable that I would take a photo of a life-size German Chef holding a blackboard advertising something called Bockwurst…“
Copyright: Fink
„I literally took a million shots of every sign I passed under as it’s pretty hard to get a road sign as it passes above you when you’re going 90 – got one though…yeeeaahhh! – Berlin Central please…“
Copyright: Fink
„10 hours later, as the sun sets, I hit Berlin – such a beautiful city“
Copyright: Fink
„Most people I would imagine think Berlin is like really industrial – and it is around Potsdamer Platz…but elsewhere, like in Kreuzberg, it’s actually one of the greenest and prettiest cities I’ve ever been too“
Copyright: Fink
„I always stay in Kreuzberg – old habit really – and if ever I get lost you follow the big elevated rail system right there – this runs for miles – it’s really cool“
Copyright: Fink
„This bridge is awesome – I’v seen it at every time of the day as Watergate is right underneath it – trains passing over it in the night only adds to the retro flavour – throw in a few trams and thousands of web designers and angular haircuts.
Copyright: Fink
„The Michelberger… like Berlin House only somewhere useful, and really unpretentious – if this hotel was in England it would be extortionate….it’s totally where you want to be…really love it.“
Copyright: Fink
„Sun sets – made it – unpack the car and prepare to hit Kreuzberg, catch up with mates, and drink brewskis and hang…“
Copyright: Fink
„Always get the guitar out, get it settled – it’s unfair to leave it in the case while I go out – maye it’s like I Toy Story and it plays itself when I’m not there.“
Copyright: Fink
„I deliver a croissant, bought from the Parmentier Boulangerie that morning – still fresh and tasty – to Martin on reception….. he got some jam and butter and it was gone by the time I came back downstairs“
Copyright: Fink
„I take pictures of street art everywhere I go – and in Berlin it really is spectacular – this was taken just by Watergate – this city is so alive with creativity it even spills onto the very walls the city is made from…“
Copyright: Fink
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