Bob Dylan erhält „Presidential Medal of Freedom“

Am gestrigen Abend, den 29. Mai, war Bob Dylan im Weißen Haus zu Gast, um die "Presidential Medal of Freedom" von President Barack Obama entgegenzunehmen. Es ist die höchste zivile Auszeichnung der USA.

There is not a bigger giant in the history of American music„, erklärte Präsident Barack Obama, als er am gestrigen Abend Bob Dylan die „Presidental Medal Of Freedom“ verlieh. Ende April hatte das Weiße Haus die Entscheidung, Dylan mit der ranghöchsten zivilien Ehrung auszuzeichnen, bekannt gegeben.

Die Begründung liest sich im Wortlaut wie folgt:

One of the most influential American musicians of the 20th century, Dylan released his first album in 1962.  Known for his rich and poetic lyrics, his work had considerable influence on the civil rights movement of the 1960s and has had significant impact on American culture over the past five decades.  He has won 11 Grammys, including a lifetime achievement award.  He was named a Commandeur dans l’Ordre des Art et des Lettres and has received a Pulitzer Prize Special Citation.  Dylan was awarded the 2009 National Medal of Arts.  He has written more than 600 songs, and his songs have been recorded more than 3,000 times by other artists.  He continues recording and touring around the world today.

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