Hier lesen: Paul McCartneys Brief an Prince – „Bitte zeig den Schülern ein paar tolle Bewegungen!“

Für seine Musikschule Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts wollte der Beatle einst Prince als Förderer gewinnen. Hier ist der Fanbrief.

„Diese Stadt braucht noch ein wenig mehr Fame!“ Mit einer Art Fanbrief hatte Paul McCartney einst Prince um eine wohltätige Spende für sein Institut Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts gebeten. Das bislang unveröffentlichte Schreiben, von dem nicht bekannt ist, ob es von Prince beantwortet wurde, ist nun von einem Bostoner Auktionshaus für 15.000 Dollar versteigert worden.

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„Eine Spende von Dir würde dem Projekt einen echten Schub geben und die Leute begeistern“, schreibt der Beatle.

Hier der Brief im Original-Wortlaut:

Dear Princely person,

Hi there! I know how hard it is to always be getting letters that ask for some favour or another, so it was not easy for me to accept the job of Lead Patron for a Performing Arts School to be located in my home town, Liverpool. But, you guessed it! I did agree to do it, so now I’m writing to “friends and all good people” to try and interest them in the scheme. The story started just after the inner-city riots in Liverpool a few years ago. A friend suggested that “what the city needs is a “Fame” School.”

I liked the idea as a possible positive focus for local and overseas kids, but it was only later when I went back to my own old school that was in ruins, that I thought by locating a Performing Arts Centre there we could save the 1825 building in the process. So….. (phew!) We’re now well on our way, as the enclosed info shows, but there’s still a lot to be done. Now the hard part. A donation from you would be a great boost to the project, and I know your involvement in some way, would be a thrill for everyone concerned. Hope you didn’t mind me writing this, it’s so long since I’ve written letters I feel like I’m back at school myself.

Anyway, one of these days you’ll have to come and teach a class some moves!! Who knows, it may turn out to be something special for thousands of future kids. Thanks for looking at this.

Cheers, & love

Paul McCartney Performs In Berlin

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